Detail kurzu
SMAX200 – SMAX 2021.x Essentials for Service Desk Agents
EDU Trainings s.r.o.
Popis kurzu
This course covers how a Service Desk agent uses the Micro Focus Service Management Automation X (SMAX) Agent interface to support the IT needs of a business. SMAX is a new suite designed to simplify the way businesses manage their IT services and assets. It uses the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)-compliant IT processes with embedded machine learning and contextual analytics.
This course is applicable for SMAX 2021.02, 2021.05, and 2021.11 versions. The slides and student
guides are of the 2019.05 version but are still compatible with the 2021 lab, and the lab guide is for the 2021.11 version of SMAX. Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
Describe the basic architecture of SMAX
Create and classify a service request
Approve a request
Complete tasks, mark a request as fulfilled, and monitor targets
Filter lists, manage views, and access a support request for classification
Answer a chat request and start a discussion to solve an issue
Escalate a request to an incident
Solve a request
Create a knowledge article from a request
Create reports
Manage dashboards
This course is applicable for SMAX 2021.02, 2021.05, and 2021.11 versions. The slides and student
guides are of the 2019.05 version but are still compatible with the 2021 lab, and the lab guide is for the 2021.11 version of SMAX. Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
Describe the basic architecture of SMAX
Create and classify a service request
Approve a request
Complete tasks, mark a request as fulfilled, and monitor targets
Filter lists, manage views, and access a support request for classification
Answer a chat request and start a discussion to solve an issue
Escalate a request to an incident
Solve a request
Create a knowledge article from a request
Create reports
Manage dashboards
Obsah kurzu
Lesson 1: Course OverviewIntroduce the course overview, agenda, and logistics
List the available SMAX courses
Launch the Digital Learning course
Lesson 2: SMAX Architecture Overview
Explain the SMAX architecture overview
Explore the Agent IT Interface
Access the Service Request Management module
Explain the Live Support feature
Approve a service request
Work with task plans and fulfillment
Monitor targets and agreements
Filter the record list, manage views, and access a support request
Respond to a chat request and solve the request
Escalate a request to an incident
Lesson 3: Requests and Knowledge, Articles
Use knowledge management
Contribute to a knowledge article
Lesson 4: Reports and Dashboards
Navigate the Reports User interface
Personalize the dashboard
Create a report and display it on a dashboard
Cieľová skupina
This course is intended for IT Service Desk staff.
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