Detail kurzu

Result Modification

EDU Trainings s.r.o.

Popis kurzu

This three-hour course is for power users who want to use commands to manipulate output and normalize data. Topics will focus on specific commands for manipulating fields and field values, modifying result sets, and managing missing data. Additionally, students will learn how to use specific eval command functions  to normalize fields and field values across multiple data sources.

Obsah kurzu

Module 1 – Manipulating Output

Convert a 2-D table into a flat table with the untable command
Convert a flat table into a 2-D table with the xyseries command

Module 2 – Modifying Result Sets

Append data to search results with the appendpipe command
Calculate event statistics with the eventstats command
Calculate „streaming“ statistics with the streamstats command
Modify values to segregate events with the bin command

Module 3 – Managing Missing Data

Find missing and null values with the fillnull command

Module 4 – Modifying Field Values

Understand the eval command
Use conversion and text eval functions to modify field values
Reformat fields with the foreach command

Module 5 – Normalizing with eval

Normalize data with eval functions
Identify eval functions to use for data and field normalization
Certifikát Na dotaz.
