Detail kurzu
Statistical Analysis with the GLIMMIX Procedure
EDU Trainings s.r.o.
Popis kurzu
This course focuses on the GLIMMIX procedure, a procedure for fitting generalized linear mixed models.
Obsah kurzu
Introduction to Generalized Linear Mixed Models and the GLIMMIX Procedureintroduction to generalized linear mixed modelsintroduction to the GLIMMIX procedure using logistic regression with random effectsApplications Using the GLIMMIX ProcedurePoisson regression with random effectsan example of beta regressionrepeated measures data with discrete responseintroduction to radial smoothing (self-study)GLIMMIX Procedure Topicsestimation methods used in PROC GLIMMIXprocessing models by subjectsthe FIRSTORDER adjustment to the KR degrees of freedom estimation methodcovariance matrix diagnosticsconstructed effects using the EFFECT statementprocessing models by subjectscomparison of the GLIMMIX procedure and the NLMIXED procedurecomparison of the GLIMMIX procedure and the GENMOD proceduremodeling multivariate responsesdealing with convergence problemsCieľová skupina
Analysts, statisticians, and researchers
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