Detail kurzu
Neural Networks: Essentials
EDU Trainings s.r.o.
Popis kurzu
This course combines theory and practice to immerse you in the core concepts of neural network models and the essential practices of real-world application. During the course, you programmatically build a neural network and discover how to adjust the model’s essential parameters to solve different types of business challenges. You implement early stopping, build autoencoders for a predictive model, and perform an intelligent automatic search of the model hyperparameter values. The last lesson introduces deep learning. You gain hands-on practice building neural networks in SAS 9.4 and the cutting-edge, cloud-enabled in-memory analytics engine for big data analytics, SAS Viya. The self-study e-learning includes:Annotatable course notes in PDF format. Virtual lab time to practice.
Obsah kurzu
Neural Networks: EssentialsIntroduction.Multilayer perceptrons.Neural network modeling paradigm.Using a surrogate model to interpret neural network predictions.Other considerations.Neural Network DetailsParameter estimation.Numerical optimization methods.Regularization.Unbalanced data.SAS search optimizations (self-study).Tuning a Neural NetworkSelecting hyperparameters with autotuning.Introduction to Deep LearningIntroduction to deep learning.Autoencoders.Radial Basis Function Networks (Self-Study)Cieľová skupina
Those interested in learning about neural networks, general machine learning and data science techniques, and SAS software
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